A Kids Friendly Kitchen + Dining Integrated Space
- Scandinavian
- HDB (Resale)
- ~1,100 sqft
- 3 br
- Living with Family
Introducing our integrated dining room which seamlessly leads to our open concept kitchen! Our dining room area also plays host to several kitchen appliances - our steam oven, wine chiller and fridge! You can't see it, but we also have a microwave oven hidden in the carpentry. As it is not a kitchen appliance we use often, we prefer to keep it enclosed. As we wanted the carpentry and appliances to be aligned for a neater look, the first appliance we chose was our fridge. The carpentry measurements for the other appliances followed after, before we came to the measurements for our dry pantry area. Our dry pantry area can be closed when not in use, but as we open it frequently we do take extra care to style it so that it can be a nice decor area as well! The kitchen breakables are kept out of the kids' reach, and true to keeping to our family's ethos of training the kids to be independent from a young age - they can have access to the pull out drawers where their snacks are. The dining table was actually carefully chosen with a few factors in mind - round edges, minimal holes for easy clean ups, and a durable surface top. As our kitchen and dining room are integrated, it's easier for the kids to help out in the meal prep on the dining table. During which they will sit on the bench which is also safer as they will not fall if they lean back. We love our dining room layout as it integrates our dining area, dry pantry and kitchen seamlessly, which suits our family lifestyle and needs!
- 5 October 2023
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