A peek into a photographer's home workspace/studio
- Eclectic
- HDB (Resale)
- ~900 sqft
- 3 br
- Solo Living
A look at my the heart of my creative work, the editing station that is meant to be utilitarian and spartan as I like to keep things relatively clutter free as much as I can. The workspace in my home is designed to cater to my needs as a photography and videography business owner, hence my workspace is a blend of storage and editing gear. Steel racks are used to organise all my gear and needs to be in reach for when I have shoots over at my home. The end of the space works as a place to set up my photography backdrop for studio style portraits. A wide view of the integrated space that blends a works station where I edit my photos and videos, a resting place as well as racks to house my gear. Close up shot of the wired glass steel door that opens into this cosy home studio.
- 2 December 2024
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