🏡 life with our 3 & 6 years old kiddos

A Small but Efficient Laundry Area

  • Scandinavian
  • HDB (Resale)
  • ~1,100 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Living with Family
  • Our laundry area might look a little different from most - DBSS' layouts are not quite ideal we find, so we try to maximise the space wherever we can.
  • As our laundry area is very small, we made the decision to stack up our dryer on top of our washer to save space.
  • We try to hang our laundry on our Steigen automated laundry rack, which can help dry our clothes with their solar drying function. One of the best things we like about the rack is that we do not have to manually adjust the height, and when fully lowered the kids can help to hang laundry too!
  • No aesthetic way of keeping the laundry capsules and detergent I'm afraid, but keeping them organised on a two-tiered rack helps again to maximise storage space!
  • We recently also used a portable drying rack as we have a small balcony area which gets the morning sun. There are many drying racks out there, but very few which can look as aesthetic as this - honestly a great addition for those who might need to sun their laundry indoors! Share with us your favourite space saving laundry organisation tip over at our IG @thedeeshive!
  • 1 December 2023
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