A warm check-in to the home of beaconstrips
- Eclectic
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
This was the place to check in and out, a place to welcome you home and to beckon you to come back faster. So, our goal was to make it feel as inviting as possible. The glass blocks we felt were a signature point of our home, and we’ve decorated the area with posters, photos, toys, and our VERY cute avocado lamp. Below it is storage for our candles, napkins, vitamins, socks and board games for easy access. As for the bomb shelter we concealed it to ensure that we had enough storage space for our shoes. One advice we have for home owners, try to have your shoe shelf at an angle so you can fit more shoes in a more enclosed space. (P.S We are running out of space for our shoes) That’s all for today. Beaconstrips, out!
- 9 June 2024
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