All in one living room: Dry kitchen, living area & chill space
- Scandinavian
- HDB (Resale)
- ~1,300 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
Welcome back to explore our living room. 😊 This is the view that we are greeted with as we enter the living room from the foyer. The arch entrance to the living room helps soften the overall look of the place and makes it very welcoming. We chose a fluted panel with a decor piece from Taobao to create a homely sense with the word - 'Home is Where Our Story Begins.' This is the overall view of our living room which consists of our dry kitchen, a chill area, and the living area where we spend time together over a good TV show. TV consoles that are customized are very costly. Thus we turned to Taobao. I would say that the outcome works as well for us. When we bought the console, it did not come with the handles. We added them to allow the whole house to have the same theme and concept. We love the frame TV from Samsung. The art piece function elevates the area making it look less plain. On weekdays when time after work is limited, we reach out to our trusty Sony radio so that the house will be filled with music. Not forgetting our line 8 power track that helps keep the TV console neat and tidy. The husband cannot bare to part with his fishes of more than 10 years. The criteria (by the wife) to have fish in our home was to ensure that the fish tank fit into the aesthetic of the home 😂 This is a customized fish tank from SS Aquarium. The wife loves that it is in white and it gives off a very clean look as the filters are all hidden in the filter box. We also requested for storage space at the bottom to hide all the accessories for cleaning, feeding, etc. Out of sight, out of mind, out of wife's nagging. Lol. We requested for a ledge behind the sofa so that we could house more people when needed. It serves as an alternative eating area for when the dining table gets too crowded during hosting days. It can also double up as a workstation on days when we need to work on our computers. Thank you for taking the time to read about our home. Stay tuned to our next post as we share more. 🥰
- 30 September 2023
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