Bare to Cozy: Before & After Renovation of a 3-Room BTO Living Room
- Scandinavian
- ~700 sqft
- 2 br
- Couple Living
Dai ga hou, @livingatblk129 is pleased to be back here for Season 7! I will be revealing the transformation of my living room, starting from the first day I've collected my keys to a bare and raw unit, to how it progressed with each stages of the renovation! First up, this is how my living room looked like when I first visited this place after keys collection. Base coat of clean white paint and marble glazed flooring~ Quite decent looking for a PPVC flat, similar to the Optional Component Scheme (OCS) as what I have explained in my first post on Season 6's Home Tour. Here, we have progressed to the painting stage and the walls have been given a fresh coat of colour in Sunflower Bread from Nippon Paint. Things got a little more exciting here when carpentry works for the window storage settee is up! I loved the warmth that comes with the evening sun when it shines of the paint colour. A window storage settee is a great choice for (as it says) storage when the bomb shelter (aka storeroom) is running out of space, especially when houses are built even smaller nowadays. As the window settee is the only carpentry work in the living room, what's left is placing the furniture in. and TADA~~! Here's the after look of my living room, design and furniture inspired by The Ritz Carlton Hotel (you may read on my Living Room post from before)! Here's a close up before of the TV area. This place can only accommodate a 1.5m TV console, taken into consideration of the space that the window settee will take up. An after of the TV area, here's how it looks like with this 1.5m TV console from TaoBao, with the Dyson air purifier taking up a small space of the walkway. On another angle, I've added a potted Monstera Deliciosa plant to enhance the overall appearance of this corner :) If you've noticed, the TV console was chosen to be of a similar height as the window settee to make things more uniformed looking. Bringing you to the last corner of my small living room! A small, portable and functional coffee table by the side of the sofa which can serve as a decorative purpose or simply placing a cup of coffee down. To hide the unsightly bomb shelter ventilation cover, I've hunted long enough for this wall clock on TaoBao to match the aesthetics and house design. No regrets! <3 Thank you for reading up to the end!
- 9 October 2024
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