J+J couple living in the sunny east side 🕶️
House Tour

Buttercream Wabi Sabi Abode

House TourVirtual House Tour

  • Japandi
  • HDB (BTO)
  • ~1,000 sqft
  • 4 br
  • Couple Living
  • Welcome to our cozy little space! Our living room is the first thing you’ll see when you enter - where you’ll be greeted by our beautiful limewash feature wall from Vasari ❤️
  • Our house is a 93 sqm 4 room BTO! We didn't hack anything so the layout is exactly the same as the floor plan. We didn’t think too much about layouts when purchasing our house but having been to a few other friends’ houses now, we can safely say we are super blessed to have this layout 🫶🏻 because our living and dining are rather close, we can easily pull our dining bench over to the living area to make more seating space for guests if they want to hang in the living room! We can also easily flip our dining table to fit more guests or to even play a game of beer pong!
  • Back to the living area - the same space from another angle! Our living room is probably the most ✨aesthetic✨ part of our house, and also our favourite place for chill mornings/noons where we’ll sip on our iced coffee or hojicha while watching a show, occasionally with some fresh bakes 🤤
  • Moving on to our dining area ~ This is the place where we host most - featuring our very trusty extendable dining table from Hipvan! This table is originally 1.6m and becomes 2m when extended so it can fit up to 10 pax comfortably, once extended. Can you spot my cute little beverage counter?
  • And on to our kitchen - again, thanks to our layout, we have a huge space for our kitchen! We thought we wouldn’t have enough countertop or storage space but it somehow worked out for us. One of the best decision was choosing the same sintered stone surface from the countertop up to the backsplash because this is the easiest material to upkeep, especially in an oily greasy environment like the kitchen. I personally feel that the kitchen is the most wabi sabi place in our house too, perhaps due to the cement screed-like tiles against the walnut wood laminate - super love!
  • Welcome to our common bathroom (or the husband’s bathroom 🤪) again, rather spacious layout because it’s a squarish layout compared to the longish ones! We decided to go with built in carpentry for both toilets so that we have a uniformed look with the same walnut laminate used throughout the house.
  • & where the magic happens! Not much magic because we kept the master bedroom really simple. 2 matching bedside tables in a perfect cream shade with beautifulllll curves, our bedframe from woosa that comes with extra storage, and our built in wardrobe with a lil curve at the end ❤️
  • Our master toilet! We opted for a full shower screen here to have a clear separation between the shower area and the rest of the toilet. As this is the toilet we most commonly use, we wanted to ensure that it’s always kept dry and clean. To also differentiate our master bathroom from the common one, we decided to do a feature wall in the shower area with special effect tiles!
  • Close up of our shower feature wall! Love the texture 🥺 We also changed our floor trap to make it look more seamless. We didn’t want to have a niche or shelvings as the shower area is already pretty cramp so we got these shampoo/shower gel holders from Lazada - these only cost $1+ and they hold up pretty well!
  • Last but not least, a warm welcome to our study room/home office! We only did flooring, painting and curtains for the other 2 bedrooms so everything you see here is loose furniture. You can clearly tell which desk is mine and which desk is the Mr’s 😅
  • Our study from the another angle - right behind the tables, we have the IKEA Malm Drawers that serves as a decorative piece together with the other pieces sitting on top! And there you have it, a full home tour of our humble lil abode - hope you enjoyed the tour 🤩
  • 3 October 2023
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