Cozy bedroom with muted tones
- Japandi
- ~1,200 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
Welcome to a private space of ours, we hardly even let our guests into our bedroom. 🤭 We wanted something muted and darker tones for our bedroom. So we chose a black ceiling fan with black light fixtures. I really liked the see through built in L shaped wardrobe we have, it saves a lot of space! We also chose grey laminate for our wardrobe since it is a safer colour. We have a laundry basket right outside our bathroom for convenience, it adds a nice touch to the room! We have a Lumos in our room and it is very handy! We can curl up in bed and watch our favourite movies or listen to lofi music. Our Lumos project and our curtains in the background. We chose floor to ceiling grey black out curtains for that completed look, and once again grey because it is the safest! This is our Lumos stand which we put at the corner of our room so it is not in the way. Our bedroom in the day ☀️
- 31 July 2024
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