Creating a Furkid-Friendly Bedroom @Loafy.Haus
- Minimalist
- ~1,200 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
How are we making the space fur-kid friendly? 1. Custom Low-Height Bed Frame We wanted to make sure our fur baby doesn’t hurt himself jumping from heights, so we planned for a custom bed frame built at a lower platform level. Plus, we matched the wood laminate for both the bed frame and the headboard to keep the look cohesive. 2. Rounded Corners on the Bed Frame Since Mr. Doggo tends to get a little clumsy during his zoomies, we opted for rounded corners on the bottom frame to avoid any accidental bumps! 3. Size Upgrade Queen or King size? Obviously, we went with the King! Mr. Doggo always insists on claiming his spot in the cozy bed, so we needed the extra space. Also added round corners for the exterior corner of the wardrobe to make it more cohesive! One more fengshui tip - we also decided to avoid having direct lighting fixtures or a ceiling fan above the bed, as it's believed to disrupt the flow of energy in Feng Shui. Join us on our journey as we make design decisions every step of the way! Instagram
- 8 November 2024
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