Dining Area: Sharing meals and building connections
- Japandi
- ~1,200 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
Hello, welcome to our dining area where we share more than just meals but build connections and bonds. I would say we probably spend the most time here when we're at home Our dining area is pretty spacious which allowed us to get a 1.8m table. We can squeeze about 8-9 pax without it being overly squeezy As we're all about cost savings, we got our dining table second hand from Carousell. It's from the brand Soul and Tables. We decided to go for it as Soul and Tables offers lifetime warranty which includes complimentary sanding down of the table. They also offered an option of staining the table to a darker colour which we eventually went for to match the wood tone on our carpentry. We're pretty pleased with it! I've included the link of the table model in the tags but just to note that the one they carry now uses reclaimed teak while ours uses teak. If I'm not wrong, the reclaimed teak has a more rustic look to it While we love the look of a wood table, we have to admit that it's pretty high maintenance so not for the faint hearted. Before we got this plastic protector, we were very careful about not placing hot or wet things We got this plastic protector from taobao and it was custom made according to the dimensions of our table. It's a really thick plastic sheet and very good quality. Highly recommend it Please take a moment to admire the colour match of our chairs and table :') we got our dining chairs from taobao and we tried our best to "match" the wood tone according to the listing pictures. We topped up for genuine leather and it's another great buy for us. Taobao does not disappoint! Another look of the chairs. Amazing quality :') Another buy from taobao that we love! This is our marble light that we got from taobao. As it's real marble, the light is very heavy but very pretty Photos don't do justice to how pretty it looks IRL That's all we have! Hope you guys liked our simple and fuss-free dining area!
- 19 March 2024
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