Enter this way folks!
- Eclectic
- Apartment
- ~900 sqft
- 2 br
- Couple Living
Hello from the other side (of our door)! This week we’ll be deep diving into our favourite stories from the entryway of our home. As we had an open kitchen concept, having a semi-separation of areas was a big consideration for us. Additionally, the door to our dining room would be on the immediate left upon entering our home, so space was also a limitation. So very quickly we decided that: - Our entryway should be kept really simple and functional: with just enough space for a small shoe rack, and an area for our keys and post-it reminders! - The small space between the doors to the rooms could be used as an area for footwear prep. - A half wall screen to separate the entrance from the living room/kitchen, so the space wouldn’t be too overwhelming at first glance. We got busy at IKEA looking for a simple shoe rack that would fit in the corner, and we also chanced upon this pegboard! We loved that we could customise this pegboard with detachable accessories. It has also become a corner for us to leave post-it reminders for each other and cute trinkets from our travels. Digressing to share a little more about our framed McDonald’s burger wrapper! This was one of the best burgers we’ve ever had, together at a McDonald’s in Osaka. It was a QUADruple cheeseburger from an after 5pm menu, and it was so good we wanted to remember our memory of it - what better way than framing up the wrapper! Next, our ‘screen’ to divide our spaces. We were inspired by the old school scissors grille that ground floor shophouses used to have. While we didn’t want a fully see through grille, we liked the look of having a semi see-through effect through a grille. So we decided on a half grille, half partition look. The grille was from an antique warehouse in Seremban, initially painted white! A good 2-3 days were spent stripping off the paint, sanding it down, and treating the grille before we had it installed. It allows our guests to have a peek through our living area, when they first enter our home! A closer peek at the ‘signboard’ above our door, our cheeky play on old school signboards and our Chinese names! This vintage mirror with beveled edges was entirely a chance find. The Chinese characters here ‘Ying’ and ‘Ren’, are a combination of our Chinese names, loosely translated to Winning Man in Mandarin. The small characters ‘shi wu’ and ‘ka fei’, meaning food and coffee, are things we enjoy. We love it because it’s also a favourite spot to take photos when we have people over! Lastly, we’ve got our cabinet of curiosities and vinyl player area! The idea of this area really is to encourage our friends and family to let loose and be curious. Grab a vinyl, put it on the player, and listen to some music while exploring the cabinet! This antique vinyl player was from Malacca, we loved making it ours by pasting patches and stickers all over its cover. We’ve loved collecting vinyls during our travels as it reminds us of the places we’ve been! We’re definitely a see-and-touch home, all the items in the cabinet were placed there so we could reminisce with friends and they all come with a story! From the collection of diecast cars, to the vintage polaroids, and Singapore memorabilia. This cabinet has got to be one of our favourite parts of the home. Ending the entryway tour with our custom painted Ninja Turtle 1970s clay coin bank, we hope you’ve enjoyed our stories, and we’ve loved reading about yours too! Stay tuned for more :))
- 17 August 2024
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