Half-glass Workspace with zero built-ins
- Coastal Living
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
Welcome to our "fish tank" workspace where I spend most of my weekdays here! Building this half-height glass partition was not in our original plan, but decided otherwise as we wanted more natural lights to enter Dining area (which is right outside the study room) and also to feel less confining during working hours. No regrets because look at this view from inside out! This view pretty much encapsulates our Coastal Farmhouse theme too! Helps me appreciate our home a lot better during work breaks :P If you're wondering why we didn't just hack this room altogether, it's because from time to time, G & I will have video calls and cannot be interrupted. Also, Singapore's weather is so warm at times that we really need the room to be closed for Aircon! It wouldn't make sense to switch on the entire Living Room's Aircon just to cool this space if we do keep the study area an open-concept. Since we spend most of our waking hours working, we decided to invest in a Standing Desk and an Ergonomic Chair to help keep our posture in check. We chose this Standing desk model because the edges are sloped so it's a lot comfier on our arms. No regrets on this 2 investments really! If you noticed, we only have 1 study table even though there's 2 of us. That's because our schedule in requiring the study desk are mostly different so we simply invested in a HDMI toggle switch to transit between G & my work setup. We've yet to invest in a Study Shelf to hold more of our miscellaneous work items but will soon get to it in the next few months as we're seeing more and more items lying around the study desk (not captured in pic hahaha). We also opted for Venetian blinds for the study room because compared to curtains, blinds allow both wind and lights to pass through, helping us reduce the need to switch on Aircon as much as possible.
- 7 September 2024
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