A groovy documentation of renovation choices fuelled by brain funk, 1090 sqft

Highlights of Hominghumans

  • Mid-Century Modern
  • HDB (Resale)
  • ~1,100 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Couple Living
  • Our marble table: a work of art, pride of our home, forged over time and centuries in the making. It features the extinct Orthoceras and Ammonite, marine animals that lived more than 400 million years ago. We purchased it from @futar_sg - they are a local company, born and bred, and survived the many financial crises that came its way over the past 51 years of its existence. While we love to support local, it was a difficult choice to purchase the marble. Put simplistically, general consumption increases one’s carbon footprint, so we always think hard before we buy something new. We went with the marble eventually because it is durable and adaptable in the longer term, even though it might not be the greenest option in the shorter term. That was the overall principle we adopted when purchasing things during the renovation process, and it was hard at times. To us, it is a basic responsibility to respect the environment. Producers have a part to play, and for the large part, consumers as well. We’ll also be the first to admit that we are not doing enough, and can do more. (We learn a lot from IGs like @thesustainabilityproject_ and @thezerowasteguide). Truth is, there might not be much of the environment left to hand over to future generations if society continues in its current trajectory. Anyway - we recently got to know about Futar's sustainable stone furniture line, @tuf_stone. The philosophy is to maximise the use of existing natural stone off junkyards (see third pic)– even for those with defects or chippings. Yep, right up our alley – wish this was an option 2 years ago. Thought to share this lobang in case you are looking for more sustainable alternatives. At the core of this, we do hope that together as a community, we can collectively make greener choices if it’s within our ability to do so, and support one another in this journey
  • This is the reading corner and the cat's favorite hang-out spot. This arm chair is the biggest steal of all the furniture we got - second hand originally from Locus Habitat but at a fraction of the price! Until today we are still continuing to fine-tune and tweak things in our home. There are still corners of our home with random boxes and things we want to work on, but it's not a race. So really, you do you! Even though the plants have been moved around the house multiple times, we are happy to share that they have blossomed and are thriving in their spots now :)
  • 16 April 2023
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