Integrating sleep and play for a space constrained 4-room BTO
- Mid-Century Modern
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living with Kids
Welcome to our cozy bedroom! We previously established that we do not want to hack any walls in our BTO to save cost and also in case we have 2 kids in the future (currently one), we want each of them to have their own room. We have to integrate our office space into the master bedroom as well with the living room being really small in this 4-room BTO. First, we place the bed facing the windows in this unconventional layout as shown in the picture. Unable to have a side table, we customised this bed frame with niche from Johor, BM mattress. This bed is also a storage bed which we haven't store anything below yet, I plan to store my luggage bag which is now outside as I am still transferring stuffs over from my parent's place. The bottom is just a wooden plank, I think there are better storage bed frames out there but we will use this one for now which was a cheaper option from Malaysia. We diy the limewash wall here too into the Mocha Silk from Raffles paint, same as our TV feature wall and the dining room's wall. We did the curtains all the way from the ceiling to have an illusion of a higher ceiling and taller room! I would love to have a longer wardrobe but unfortunately, the Centralised Cooling System Daikin aircon is already fixed in place above the current dresser area instead of above my toilet door. This CCS is being piloted in Tengah currently. Thankfully, there is no leaking so far. This is the exact reason why I decided to place a hanging dresser below. Simulating night time while I have my total black out night curtains closed. When one is in the pc desk area, the other can still sleep without glaring lights as the bedframe blocks the down light from the other side. Not much of a view outside except that grassy patch of the pavilion's roof. Hope it will not be noisy in the future as we are staying on a really low floor due to a bad ballot number 5 years ago haha. The day curtains covered up and gave us a lot of privacy, it is surprisingly windy here and wind blew the curtains quite a bit! We did pleated curtains instead of S-fold to save space. I got the curtains from my contractor's supplier (not sure what name).. It is not exactly a study room for us, as avid gamers, this is play area where we unwind at night by playing games. If you did read my house tour post which only has the steelcase chair, this is an update since my secretlab Harry Potter chair arrived! Stay tuned for a more in depth detailed study room post! This is my wardrobe with a hanging dresser with drawers to put hair dryer, scrunchies and hair ties etc. Also some of my notebooks and pencil cases can be found inside. This place is missing a mirror, the electrician has the wire ready but Taobao has not deliver my mirror yet. We chose this Anthracite Eames Teak laminate from Lamitak for the dark wood feel for a darker bedroom vibe to unwind for the night. Love that we did the LED light strips in the wardrobe with the aluminium black tinted sliding doors so one can on the light to search for clothes while the other one is still sleeping, you don't have to on the whole bedroom's light to disturb the one still sleeping. Space saving tips: We don't have space for a mirror in built into the wardrobe, the black tinted sliding doors double up as a full length mirror as well!! Sliding doors also a must to ensure ample walkway space between the bed and the wardrobe. This is still on the way haha !! Taobao has some delays. Organisation ideas welcomed :)! Yet to purchase wardrobe organisation solutions! For the tiles, we chose this wood tile flooring from Soon Bee Huat, the different wood colour of the tiles and the wardrobe contrast each other but still achieving an overall cohesive look. Thank you everyone for reading and stay tuned!
- 3 August 2024
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