Retro-inspired home with a lot of barang-barang

Into the room of the porcelain throne🚽🧻

  • Eclectic
  • HDB (BTO)
  • ~1,000 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Couple Living
  • Hello kawan-kawan, and welcome to our bathrooms! The humble toilet is where we’re at our most vulnerable, a place where we feel safe and where we clean ourselves. But of course, we had to give our bathrooms a beaconstrips spin to it. We wanted to make sure that there was a wet area and a dry area in the master bathroom. For the wet area, we decided to go with full-blown terracotta tiles, as they really give that Aesop feeling, and the feeling is even better when you’re using Aesop (Aesop please sponsor us).
  • As this was a space mainly for us, it’s not for entertaining but more for our daily rituals. It’s a space for us to wash up and relax, so we had these mirror cabinets that could store our collection of perfumes and skincare. We also liked that the mirrors make the room feel larger too.
  • For the common toilet, ee changed the HDB doors to something more lightweight, a louvre bi-fold door with wired glass to show you that it’s being occupied. We thought it was gorgeous, and we could do something more plain for our master bedroom toilet. We changed our sink too, opting for more storage and a wide vanity just in case our guests need to touch up and need more surface area and a whimsical mirror because it’s cute and quirky.
  • So we changed the floor tiles of our bathroom, and we changed the feature wall to something a bit more of our style; a terracotta wall to give a more inviting feeling.
  • As for styling, we even added our toys into this area, injecting our personality into the space. It gives the warm toilet a much more fun atmosphere and something for our guests to gawk about while they’re in the loo. That’s all for our bathrooms! Beaconstrips out!
  • 18 May 2024
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