Living room - the space with the most complexity
- Contemporary
- Condo
- ≥1,500 sqft
- 4 br
- Couple Living
The living room is the hardest space to design and create the intended vibes. It is the space that builds or burst the vibes when one steps through the door. The only thing we bought before receiving keys to the home is the designer armchair. As the lead time is 10 months, we put in the order before seeing the space and knowing that we will work around this piece. Based on past experiences, I decided to hold off any purchases after TOP to feel the space. The tricky aspect of the design is the sharing of the living and dining area. The floorplan seems to suggest that both space can co-exist comfortably in the 5.3m frontage. We have our doubts hence the initial thought to have an alfresco dining at the balcony as mentioned in the previous post. That again did not work out too. TOP period and we were surprised yet not surprised by the space. We tried to think positively that the right furniture will open up and amplify the space. As we have the arm chair to work with, we decided that to choose the overall theme, we will work on selecting 'the sofa'. As curved and boucle sofa is in, we just go along with it. Which one though? I am quite the chair and lamps fanatic. I enjoyed the pre-selection shopping of these 2 furniture and I have many IG posts on the ones I saw in Singapore and overseas. We finally settled on this 1.7m white boucle curved sofa. That also determines the theme of the living space to be avant-garde. We are aligned that we want a built in TV console to hide the wires and make it clutter free. Question is should it be half height or full height? As we want to create a welcoming space, the full height could be overpowering and unable to deliver the soft welcoming vibes. Also, we want minimal lights in the house so having a half height built in, we can put in LED strip light to do a bottom-up illumination. The carpenter whom we engaged is very eccentric but he is very aesthetically driven. The curved and hanging cabinets will create the illusion of space and depth. We went through lengthy discussion of what we want to place inside and he came up with the rest. The round piece helipad is an add-on as we were thinking of adding in a full set of speakers and vinyl. The helipad will enable us to place the vinyl and the space on each side will house the standing speakers. That was the design concept then. Day curtains - something that we put in much later as we realised we needed to soften the look and hide the balcony doors when it is open up. No regrets as a simple sheer day curtains complement the space so much. Ceiling fan is my request. I wanted maximum air circulation and instead of a standing fan to take up floor space, we opt for a ceiling fan. Next question - if we have a ceiling fan, how are we going to place the lights? Both of us are align that 2-in-1 fan with light is not complimentary to the space and we went to an established light shop to seek the lighting advisor's support in curating the lights positioning throughout the house. The end outcome is the halo mini framing the fan on 4 sides. We keep our TV console space clutter free. The mess is within the drawers with wires crossing. So long as it is out of sight, I am ok. We debated over many hours on a tv in the living room or not. The hesitation is we wanted walls to put up paintings or art pieces. We came to a consensus for a framed TV so it is as seamless to the wall as possible. The laminate half height TV wall follows the theme and its a light colour laminate to provide texture.
- 13 January 2024
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