Our forever home in a 1367sqft resale condo.

No Gardenspace for us!

  • Contemporary
  • Condo
  • ~1,300 sqft
  • 4 br
  • Couple Living with Kids
  • This topic was a head scratcher for us as we are meant to showcase our balcony/plant area however we have none of these! With 3 kids to take care of, real plants are not really my thing. we tried to have some however they died because we forgot to water them ... *sheepish look* HOWEVER , even though we do not have a balcony or a plant area, we do have an outside garden! This is what i meant by my garden is outside... haha.. the scenery right outside our place ! NGL, this view was what sealed the deal for us to place an offer for this unit. Our previous house has no view whatsoever so this feels like a million dollar view for us!
  • When we first got the keys to the house, the living room's windows were covered with a frosted film. This blocked the sunlight from coming in and therefore made the house look very dark and gloomy too.
  • thankfully the frosted film was just a paste on and was easily removable! Once removed, we got a clear full view of the gorgeous greenery right outside our house! the house also look much brighter and airy due to the removal!
  • This is where i usually sit to enjoy the view of the trees and hear the birds chirping! It is like having my own garden without having to do any maintenence! We purposely chose an unit that has no balcony as we feel that balcony is a wasted space for us. We rather have the space as part of the living room space and therefore can appreciate that greenery at the comfort of our air conditioned living room!
  • Around the house, we placed some fake plants to liven our house. Not much maintenance required however take note that dust can accumulate.
  • This plant welcomes our guests in the powder room.. goes very well against our greenish wall.
  • i also got a crocheted bowl of daisy flowers for our sideboard as it adds another texture and it never wilts or dies.
  • we bought this fake traveler palm plant to break up the monotony of our whitish living room with a splash of green color.
  • A small vase of fake flowers on our display shelves for pop of color.
  • a drooping fake plant to soften the straight lines of the display shelves
  • Last but the most important fake flower in my house is one that my 8 year old made herself for my birthday present.
  • Oh wait a minute, i do have a real plant in my house! however its not my plant haha! i am plant sitting for my parents who are away. seems like i am doing an ok job so far? maybe this would entice me to try again with plants if the plant sitting job goes well!
  • Meanwhile, if i need a dose of nature, i have this right outside my house! i usually take a walk along the "longkang" to enjoy the breeze and the scenery.
  • Reminder to KEEP CALM during renovations and look forward to your completed home!
  • 17 October 2023
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