Open living room concept for a heritage style artsy home

  • Eclectic
  • Others
  • ~900 sqft
  • 1 br
  • Couple Living
  • Welcome to our favourite part of the house, the living room! Here we wanted to take advantage of the natural light to have many plants that make the inside extend to the outside. Having gone through many iterations of designing the interior, we're trying to balance colours and weights. Having started with a lot of white and wood, we have traded in some items, for example our latest changes were to intentionally swap out wooden chairs for a assymtetric look with a variety of other chairs, one with a more retro / vintage construction and the other more casual cafe look.
  • In keeping with embracing our hobies, we also have a Cello in the corner which Cynthia plays. We may have around 5-10 lamps in the living room as we enjoy using a variety of lights to illumante our space, collecting lights is so fun!
  • Our space is long, while we wanted to keep it unobstructed for the most part, adding a stool to face the couch and some books next to the coffee table helped add character and different heights to our decor
  • Some of our coffee table book favourites are the making off movies or shows, they have the best graphics!
  • An intentionally one sided and irregular gallery wall, we're still not convinced we need to fill in a whole wall, they eyes need some breathing space, and the remaining which helps do that
  • love the look of fluted glass, it adds a beautiful texture that is nostalgic when it complements wood.
  • Books on color combinations, come in handy when thinking about how to color accessorize your home!
  • 15 January 2024
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