Our dining area - the heart of the home.
- Minimalist
- Landed
- ≥1,500 sqft
- ≥5 br
- Living with Family
Next up - is our dining room! This is truly the heart of the home where we spend most of our time. We have a 2.4m long island next to the dining table that is perfect for entertaining guests and where we also sometimes have our breakfast. Here is where we have our meals together as a family. We usually put 6 seats on this dining table, but it can comfortably sit 8-10 seats. How many arches can you see from the dining area? Love how the sunlight shines into the dining area. We decided to go with simple and practical chairs that didn't have arm rests to save space, so that we have more comfortable walking space between the dining table and the island. The dining area is next to the play area where our son plays - which is perfect for us to let him play independently while also being close enough to keep an eye on him. Let us know what features of the dining area that you are interested to find out more about and we will share more details!
- 24 March 2024
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