Our laundry space
- Scandinavian
- HDB (Resale)
- ~1,300 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
While designing our home, we didn't dedicate a service yard for our laundry space but decided to open up the space to combine it with the kitchen so that the space would look bigger. We also knew we wanted to have cabinets in the laundry space to keep all our supplies & hide the mess. With unavoidable water pipes in older resale homes, a tall cabinet was the way to go. We initially only had the washing machine on the left side, but later, added a rack above it as the wires in that area were unsightly. Now we love it because it serves as extra storage space/space for us to put frequently used laundry items. We keep our laundry pods in a glass jar & each time we open it, the area smells heavenly. A basket to keep our laundry nets. Out of sight, out of mind. Lol. And baskets are for sure to look better than nets. And lastly, we have a signage to spice up to area. In the tall cabinet, we keep our garment steamer so that it is easier for us to stem our clothes after removing them from our automated laundry rack. Above it, we keep additional supplies of laundry pods, scent boosters, and floor mats. In the same area, we have our automated laundry drying system from Steigen. It works well for us to hang our clothes, keep them dry, & also remove odor & bacteria with their amazing function. These little clips are the best thing for undergarments & socks. It holds on super well. No need for extra clips, yay! True happiness is when you do not have to use the pulley system to pull and release your laundry up and down. Saves us from the arm strength and having to hide under the clothes to pull them up. If you are considering automated or non-automated, the answer is clear. 😄
- 3 December 2023
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