Our master bedroom : our sanctuary to rest and relax
- Minimalist
- Landed
- ≥1,500 sqft
- ≥5 br
- Living with Family
Welcome to our cosy bedroom! This is our sanctuary where we unwind and relax after a long day. For the bedroom wall, we did a two-toned wall panelling to create texture and interest to the space. Entering the bedroom, you will first be greeted to a walk-in wardrobe on the left. The walk-in wardrobe - we went with white cabinetry and did a mix of closed and open shelves so it still looks open and airy inside. To unwind, we love to lie in bed to read before bed under the glow of this bedside light. We didn't go with a big dressing table and wanted something that is simple, clean and sleek that can keep the clutter away. If you have any questions on our home, feel free to reach out at ej_projecthome!
- 29 March 2024
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