Our Spare Room: Styling It Into A Cosy & Multifunctional Space
- Scandinavian
- Others
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
Hello and welcome to our multipurpose room!👋🏻 This is our third bedroom which actually used to be our home office. Since shifting the office to the other room, this room has been turned into our cats room/ walk-in wardrobe/ chill room/ future baby room. Let’s walk through how I styled it into what it is now.🤭 This room is located at the end of our corridor and is the last room in our home. The window in this room is rather small and doesn’t bring in much light. Did some styling magic and placed a lamp to brighten this corner up!✨ You can see this is where our cats love to chill day and night. It has become their personal room to nap and play whenever they like.😆 Close up of the styling details. This pine cone was brought back from our trip to Sweden hehe. It was an eventful trip with many ups and downs so it has a place in our home as a reminder of that trip.🤭 This was when this room used to be our home office. As you can see the window is rather small and half of it is blocked by the next block. Used to have our telescope here but always felt that it blocked the view and we couldn’t get much use of it as there’s not much view from this room. Cannot see stars or moon but can see neighbours home.🤣 Just kidding, we did not use it to stalk people hahaha. We have since shifted it when we moved the office over to the other room. Replaced the telescope with a cat condo so our fur babies can enjoy the “view”. Also removed the black out curtains to allow more light in.🤩 The real bosses at home hahaha. It’s their home and we’re just living in it.🥲 So after shifting away the work desk, this wall was empty. Took the chance to get a curved mirror as I always loved how it softens up a space. Got this to make this small room look bigger and also because a girl needs one.😜 How this corner used to look like before we decided to shift the swivel chair to the living room. Loved cosying up in this corner with a good book. Replaced the swivel chair with our ottoman from the living room. It’s not as comfy as there’s no backrest so I would bring in 2 cushions from the sofa to place here whenever we wanted alone time here. Very troublesome I know but gotta work with what you have.😉👍🏻 The shelf decor have also been replaced with my beloved bags to make this into my “walk-in wardrobe”.😆 Now this mirror has become our fit check mirror.🤭 A girl can never have too many mirrors at home.😉 A wider view of our multipurpose room before we end. Thank you for joining us and we hope you’ve enjoyed reading! That’s all we have for this post hehe.🫶🏻 Bonus pic for scrolling to the end.🌚🌝
- 28 September 2024
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