A cute family of 3 living in a self-designed 91 m2 Tengah BTO

Pet furniture hunting: a tiny hamster but huge mansion!

  • Mid-Century Modern
  • HDB (BTO)
  • ~1,000 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Couple Living with Kids
  • Hello to all pets owners out there! I am just an avid hamster owner and this post is dedicated to our hamster. Not as elaborate as a BTO cat haven that a couple I know of built for their cats but let’s show some love for our hamster too ~ We are looking high and low for a shelf to fit a Syrian hamster of 80cm (L) x 40cm (W) x 40cm (H).. and it must fit beside our TV console!! Maximum 1m in length. Most shelf don’t have enough width .. maximum about 30cm or 35cm as they are more catered for books. Even if they have enough width, they don’t have enough height.. so I need to find something adjustable. I came across this IVAR shelf from IKEA that is 89cm (L) x 50cm (W) and with adjustable shelvings!! And really cheap and simple.
  • This is the view from the dining room, towards our cozy living room with the partition wall between the living room and the foyer. If you are unsure about my layout where I had built a partition wall, do read my previous posts! We got 2 poufs from HipVan, love the bright colours of it. Strategic pouf placement for the legs or as extra seats if you have more guests!
  • Do ignore the toys on the coffee table because when you have a kid, things are kinda everywhere .. hehe
  • The acrylic cage arrived and we set it up and our adopted baby syrian hamster just moved into his mansion!
  • Love that the shelf has 5 layers, the most bottom put our teo heng karaoke speaker and mixer set, the 2nd bottom is the cage, the top 3 layers will be for my harry potter collection!
  • His mansion is a work in progress! We have the basics for now, a 28cm diameter niteangel wheel for syrian, a water bottle, a cactus shaped food dish, a rattan tunnel and a bath house!
  • Hamster's name is Little Rexy!
  • Chillax on the running wheel.. My Little Rexy
  • POV: you have a hamster and a toddler.. your toddler loves waving to it. Cuteness overloaded!
  • 17 January
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