Resort-vibes Master Bedroom
- Beach Resort
- HDB (Resale)
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
This is our Master Bedroom, and we kept it free from any built-in furniture and focused instead on getting thoughtful loose furniture. We kept the colour scheme to warm browns and beige. For our MBR, we installed these Gypsum Boba lights from Sol Luminaire. We love it because of its dim-to-warm feature! To achieve the effect (as if the ball is melting out of the ceiling), we had to first install a false ceiling. Sol Luminaire provided the curved mould, and our ceiling and plastering guys helped us achieve this look! For the clothes that we want to access, and even our towels, we keep them on this ladder, to maintain the aesthetic and villa style of our bedroom. Ta-da! this is how our bedroom looks like! We chose not to use any night curtains because it looks 'too heavy' and would ruin the light, airy, feelling of the bedroom. Instead, we've installed black-out blinds. They're currently drawn in this picture so it's not even obvious at all. Finally, for the wall infront of our bed, we have our Prism TV! This ensures that our bedroom has no working spot at all, and is just a room for us to relax in.
- 21 February 2024
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