Storage solutions when there’s not enough drawers
- Modern Farmhouse
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
One of our reno regrets was not factoring in more drawers, especially in the kitchen. We thought we can save some money by not topping up for more drawers. Well, we thought wrong 😅 we ended up spending the money on ways to maximize cabinet space. This is the “before” for my plates & bowls cabinet. As you can tell, everything was stacked up haphazardly and it wasn’t easy to reach for the usual ones we use. Went on Taobao to get a bunch of organization solutions to solve the problem. They all came unassembled but were easy to put together. These pull-out storage allows easier access to the back of the cabinet as they act like drawers. Not as good as having proper drawers but will do for now! If you also regret not getting all drawers for your kitchen, these will help! For my pot and pans cabinet, this is a temporary setup so I can see all the items available. Not the best setup yet so you may see changes to it in the future. For the cabinet below the sink, I opted for fixed organizers instead of pull-out ones as these are more affordable and I don’t access this section as often. Instead of opaque organizers, I got see-through ones or metal ones so you can see everything at a glance. P.S. don’t mind the mess, should really tidy this section better 🤪 For the common bathroom, I’m also using the same acrylic trays. They are both functional and great for anywhere in your home.
- 27 November 2023
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