Sun is the headache - the strategic location of our display shelf
- Mid-Century Modern
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
This is an overview of where our toy display shelf is located at. It is like a center piece of our house that projects out giving the perfect peripheral view when one enters the house. Highlighted in red is where our toys display shelf sits. Previously it was the wall for the common room, but we hacked it away and build the toy display shelf in place of it. As you can see, both the frontage of the shelf is not facing any windows. This location is the only place where it is away from the windows and the sun. Upclose of the L display shelf. Pardon the glass. Lazy to clean. hehe. This is the back of our sofa. Front view frontage. That is a hidden door by the way, you will get to see whats inside in our next post. hehe Our Batman Funko pop collection Batman nanananananana
- 3 April 2024
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