The Qurated Office
- Scandinavian
- ~1,200 sqft
- ≥5 br
- Couple Living
Having a productive home workspace is essential for maintaining focus and efficiency. As someone who works from home, I find that setting up a space to separate from my living space helps maintain a clear boundary between work and personal life. Having an ergonomic chair and desk ensure my comfort and prevent back aches and muscles strain - ageing is real! This setup is extremely important for me as I could sit for hours answering emails and attending back to back meetings not like that cat in the background who bosses me around and sleeps all day!! This space is not always this clean but for the sake of photo taking, I cleaned it a bit. I have yet to find the best solution for my cable management but for now, its hidden behind the monitor stand. lol! I keep a lot of things close to me for easy access such as: 1) My colourful pens that adds colours to my life! 2) Monthly planner to plan my life! 3) Post it notes for notes taking duh! 4) A calculator to calculate the amount of money I spent on online shopping daily! 5) A mirror in case I gotta check myself out.. lol! 6) A small bookcase with books I intent to read for the month or months! lol! I recently purchase a prism monitor..And its been a life changing experience for me..coz I have always been a person who works with a small screen but ageing is so real..So because of self care, I have upgraded my working conditions..Thanks Prism.. Sometimes I just sit in the "dark" and continue on working... I hate clutter but I love these faux flowers collection..This gave my space some character. I also added decorative accents to boost the look. Here is the side look. it looks cluttered but this space makes sense to me.. For example, things that I needed such as the headphone, calculator, meal planner and the notebook is within an arm's reach... this adds to my productivity during my working hours. I needed a big space because after work, I indulge myself in many things.. one of them is writing this blogpost! lol! but mainly I draw and paint (not an expert) with real paints or with my ipad.. I also read and study the Quran. At my best, I am a collector! At my worst, I am a hoarder! Thus, I need a lot of storage in this room.. I have always wanted that billy bookcase…so when the adult me got 4 billy bookcases at one go - it was such an accomplishment in my books! These bookcases have been storing all the beautiful "junks" I collected over the years.. Thanks for following me on this journey. Please do follow me on IG at quratedhaus
- 8 November 2023
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