We’re just living in Oreo’s world: Decorating with our cat
- Minimalist
- ~1,000 sqft
- 3 br
- Couple Living
Over the past 8 years, we’ve slowly collected (and been gifted) cat decorations that all look like Oreo. Now, it feels like she’s watching us from every corner of her house… as she should. These 3 were gifted! Most items were purchased in Japan! We realised tuxedo cat designs are very common there, which means more damage to our wallets.. I'm the crazy cat mom who collects Oreo's fallen whiskers. Furoshiki with Oreo on it!!! We bought all 4 seasons ones so we can change it as the season changes. More tuxedo cats in our kitchen Technically this is Oreo's bathroom because she's the only one who showers here. Peek-a-boo! Relax! It's just Oreo staring at you as you use the toilet! Oreo was cover girl for CWS magazine some years back!
- 4 days ago
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