Redeem Rewards with Points

How it works

  1. Create an account

    Sign up with your email address or your Facebook account

  2. Earn Points

    Earn 500 reward points for each product review

  3. Get Rewarded

    Use points to redeem rewards

Earn HipVan Reward Points

Earn reward points when you shop and review your purchases!


  • How do I earn HipVan reward points?

    For now, you can earn reward points by sharing photos of and reviewing your HipVan purchases.
  • How much HipVan reward points can I earn?

    Each of your past purchase can earn you up to 500 reward points, with 300 reward points awarded for at least 1 photo shared, and 200 reward points awarded for a valid product review posted.
  • When will my reviews be approved?

    Photos and product reviews posted will be subject to approval by HipVan to ensure their authenticity and validity. This process should take between 3-5 business days after your review is posted.
  • Why is my review rejected?

    Your reviews might have been rejected by HipVan because they do not fulfill our content quality checklist, or were deemed as spam. You may resubmit your reviews and follow the guidelines listed on the product review page to ensure that your reviews get approved.
  • How do I check my points balance?

    Login to your HipVan account. Under your user, click on the ‘Rewards’ tab. Your rewards points balance will be reflected on that page.
  • How do I redeem rewards?

    Login to your HipVan account. Under your user, click on the ‘Rewards’ tab to view the rewards available. Once you have earned enough reward points, click on the “redeem now” button underneath your chosen reward to redeem it.
  • Do the points I accumulate expire?

    Yes, your reward points will expire one year after the date they were earned. For example, 500 reward points earned on 1 April 2022 will expire on 31 March 2023.

*HipVan may suspend or terminate the HipVan Rewards Program or a user’s ability to participate in the Program at any time for any reason, especially if a user violates the terms and conditions. Any unused points will be forfeited at that time.

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